
Showing posts from September, 2014

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : The Difficulties of the Spiritual Seeker : 2.

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : The Difficulties of the Spiritual Seeker : 2. : The Teachings of Bhagavadgita : Spiritual life is the greatest of adventures. In that way we can compare it to a battle. It involv...

The Difficulties of the Spiritual Seeker : 2.

The Teachings of Bhagavadgita : Spiritual life is the greatest of adventures. In that way we can compare it to a battle. It involves careful preparation, as in a war. And, when you engage yourself in a war you do not go there merely to get defeated and thrown out; the intention is to win victory. So the practice of yoga, which is the greatest project that a person can embark upon in life, is in a way comparable to a battle or an encounter, for the purpose of which one has to make an almost infinite set of preparations – for days and months and years perhaps – as a culmination of one's existence here, as the fruit of the tree of one's whole life in this world. Hence, great care and caution has to be exercised. In a hurry, in a bustle and in a state of emotional enthusiasm, we are not supposed to enter into this field called 'life spiritual'. It is not an entering into a new way of life; rather it is an embracing of all life together in your own life. You are no...

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : The Difficulties of the Spiritual Seeker : 1.

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : The Difficulties of the Spiritual Seeker : 1. : The Teachings of the Bhagavadgita  Spiritual life is the greatest of adventures. In that way we can compare it to a battle. It involv...

The Difficulties of the Spiritual Seeker : 1.

The Teachings of the Bhagavadgita  Spiritual life is the greatest of adventures. In that way we can compare it to a battle. It involves careful preparation, as in a war. And, when you engage yourself in a war you do not go there merely to get defeated and thrown out; the intention is to win victory. So the practice of yoga, which is the greatest project that a person can embark upon in life, is in a way comparable to a battle or an encounter, for the purpose of which one has to make an almost infinite set of preparations – for days and months and years perhaps – as a culmination of one's existence here, as the fruit of the tree of one's whole life in this world. Hence, great care and caution has to be exercised. In a hurry, in a bustle and in a state of emotional enthusiasm, we are not supposed to enter into this field called 'life spiritual'. It is not an entering into a new way of life; rather it is an embracing of all life together in your own life. You are no...

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : Lord Sri Krishna calls Arjuna a hypocrite and a co...

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : Lord Sri Krishna calls Arjuna a hypocrite and a co... : In reading the Bhagavad-Gita, many  in Western countries may have felt astonished at the second chapter, wherein Shri Krishna calls A...

Lord Sri Krishna calls Arjuna a hypocrite and a coward because :

In reading the Bhagavad-Gita, many  in Western countries may have felt astonished at the second chapter, wherein Shri Krishna calls Arjuna a hypocrite and a coward because of his refusal to fight, or offer resistance, on account of his adversaries being his friends and relatives, making the plea that non-resistance was the highest ideal of love. This is a great lesson for us all to learn, that in all matters the two extremes are alike.   The extreme positive and the extreme negative are always similar. When the vibrations of light are too slow, we do not see them, nor do we see them when they are too rapid. So with sound; when very low in pitch, we do not hear it; when very high, we do not hear it either. Of like nature is the difference between resistance and non-resistance. One man does not resist because he is weak, lazy, and cannot, not because he will not; the other man knows that he can strike an irresistible blow if he likes; yet he not only does not ...

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : SIN : 5 ( Last Part).

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : SIN : 5 ( Last Part). : PURIFICATION  : It is never too late to mend. A good, resolute start in virtuous life will give you peace and happiness. Do it...

SIN : 5 ( Last Part).

PURIFICATION  : It is never too late to mend. A good, resolute start in virtuous life will give you peace and happiness. Do it now. Leave off evil ways. Follow the good. Be pure in life. You will attain God-realization. Steadily resist the promptings of your lower nature. Gradually, it will lose its power over you. You will gain strength. The spirit may pull in one direction and the flesh in the opposite direction. Be firm and courageous. Yield not to flesh. Be strong. Be positive always. Think and feel: "I can do everything if I will. There is nothing that I cannot do". Never give up the hope of realizing God. Watch every action. Allow not any impure action to stain your body. When anything pricks thy conscience, abandon it. Fight against the tempting power of self-gratification and self-aggrandizement. Overcome anger by love, lust by purity, greed by generosity, pride by humility, falsehood by truth. Lose the sense of I-ness and mine-ness. Control the mi...

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : Navaratri - 1st day :

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : Navaratri - 1st day : : 'Nava-ratri' is one of the most important Hindu festivals in the country. It is celebrated with immense zeal and enthusiasm a...

Navaratri - 1st day :

'Nava-ratri' is one of the most important Hindu festivals in the country. It is celebrated with immense zeal and enthusiasm all over the country. Navartra literally means 'nine auspicious nights'. It is actually the worship of the Goddess of power in order to seek her protection from any possible kind of threat and calamities that may destroy the peaceful life of people on earth. As She is the goddess of power, she is said to have the power of creation, preservation and destruction. Nine Days Navaratri Celebrations : Navaratri is separated into sets of three days i.e. into three sets. These sets are made in order to adore different facets of the supreme goddess. On the initial three days, the Goddess is invoked as the supreme powerful force called Durga. Goddess Durga is meant to all our contaminations, evils and defects. On the next three days, She is worshipped as the mother of spiritual wealth, Goddess Lakshmi, She is the one who is considered to have th...

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : SIN-4.

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : SIN-4. : ETERNAL DAMNATION--AN UNGODLY DOCTRINE : There is no such thing as eternal damnation or eternal hell-fire for the sinners. It c...


ETERNAL DAMNATION--AN UNGODLY DOCTRINE : There is no such thing as eternal damnation or eternal hell-fire for the sinners. It cannot be. It is a theory that has long been exploded. Eternal damnation is an ungodly doctrine, a terror and nightmare for ages. To make people desist from doing wicked actions, a terrifying description of hell is given. It is a Bhayanaka-Sabda.  God has not created men to become everlasting fuel to feed the flame of hell. This is not certainly His purpose in His creation. If God be such, no one will pay homage to Him. Who then can be saved ? How many spotless men are there in this world ? Who is of such untainted character as to receive a direct passport to heaven ?  Everybody has his secret sins. Few are born saints. No person is found on earth who shines with all the excellent qualities. No one is wise at all times, and no one is a fool always. The sinner of today is the saint of tomorrow. Hate the sin, but not the sinner.  A...

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : SIN : 3.

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : SIN : 3. : ATONEMENT : Sin is expiated by self-punishment such as fasting, Japa, penance, meditation, and repentance with a contrite heart. ...

SIN : 3.

ATONEMENT : Sin is expiated by self-punishment such as fasting, Japa, penance, meditation, and repentance with a contrite heart. Even a wicked man can have communion with God through repentance, prayer, and meditation.  The confession of evil deeds is the first beginning of good deeds. Be not ashamed to confess that you have been in the wrong. If you confess your evil actions, you now have more sense than you had before, to see your error. If you confess your sins, you begin your journey towards emancipation. He who is sorry for having done evil actions mends himself and improves quickly.  Repentance is a divine streamlet for sinners to wash their sins. Repent with a contrite heart. God will forgive you.  If you commit a wrong on a certain occasion, you should not commit it again. There should be no wrong over wrong. You may claim forgiveness, if you are resolute to do the evil thing no more.  A woman was charged with adultery. The Pharisees wanted...

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : SIN : 2.

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : SIN : 2. : WHAT IS VIRTUE? WHAT IS SIN? Papa is sin. Punya is virtue. Remember the motto always: "Do unto others as you wish others do u...

SIN : 2.

WHAT IS VIRTUE? WHAT IS SIN? Papa is sin. Punya is virtue. Remember the motto always: "Do unto others as you wish others do unto you". This is the Kasoti or test for virtue and sin. You do not wish to be hurt by others. So do not hurt another person. You wish to be helped by others. So help others. You do not wish to be robbed by others. So do not rob others' property. When you enter the compartment in a train, you wish that others should give you a seat. They should not drive you to another compartment. So, when anyone enters your compartment, give him a seat. Do not drive him away. Hurting another is sin; non-hurting is virtue. Selfishness is sin; helping others is virtue. Robbing others' property is sin; doing charity is virtue. Driving a man from the compartment is sin; giving a seat to a man in your compartment is virtue.  That which elevates you is virtue; that which pulls you down is vice or sin. That which takes you to the Goal is virtue; that whic...

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : SIN : 1.

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : SIN : 1. :                                                        Sri Swami Sivananda INTRODUCTION : In the din and noise of the world, in ...

SIN : 1.

                                                       Sri Swami Sivananda INTRODUCTION : In the din and noise of the world, in the midst of sensual pleasures, the mind is led astray.  Temptation forms the ground-work of all sins. Ignorant men yield to temptations and commit sins.  Those who put on the appearance of righteous men are more sinful than the unrighteous. They will have to undergo great miseries.  Sinning and evil have become so much a habit with man that he never feels that he is committing them, even though day and night he is doing so constantly.  Think not lightly of sin. Just as a pot is filled with water by the constant falling of drops of water, even so, the ignorant man fills himself with evil and sin little by little.  HOW SIN ORIGINATES Sin is an evil deed. Sin is willful vi...

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : VAIRAGYA :

Atmeeyam : ( 22/10/2012. ) : VAIRAGYA : : “Happiness is within,” “What is Vairagya?” “Miseries of mundane existence,” “Body,” “Woman,” “World,” “Essence of Vairagya-Satakam” an...


“Happiness is within,” “What is Vairagya?” “Miseries of mundane existence,” “Body,” “Woman,” “World,” “Essence of Vairagya-Satakam” and “Inspiring stories.” In “Happiness is within,” I have emphasized that happiness which is the driving motive of all human endeavours is not in the perishable objects of the world, but is within one’s own self and that even the very little momentary pleasure you get from sensual enjoyments is but a reflection of the Atman Bliss only. Real and lasting happiness can be had only from God, or the Atman, which shines in the chambers of your heart. In the chapter entitled “What is Vairagya,” I have pointblank stated that Vairagya does not consist in running away in home, shirking the duties and responsibilities of life but that it is purely an internal state and that a man while living in the world amidst various luxuries may be a perfectly dispassionate soul. The chapter is for the sake of convenience and ease divided into thirteen headings, all use...


HOW TO GET VAIRAGYA :  (Remember these seven vital points) 1. Hari Om, Sensual pleasure is momentary, deceptive, illusory and imaginary. 2. A mustard of pleasure is mixed with a mountain of pain. 3. Enjoyment cannot bring about satisfaction of a desire. On the contrary it makes the mind more restless after enjoyment through intense craving (Trishnas and Vasanas). 4. Sensual pleasure is an enemy of Brahma-Jnana 5. Sensual pleasure is the cause for birth and death. 6. This body is nothing but a mass of flesh, bone, and all sorts of filth. 7. Place before the mind the fruits of Self-realization or life in the soul or Brahman or the Eternal, such as Immortality, Eternal bliss, Supreme peace and Infinite knowledge.  If you  remember the seven points always, the mind will be weaned from the cravings for sensual pleasures.  Vairagya, Viveka and Mumukshutva (dispassion, discrimination from the real and the  unreal, and keen longing for ...