
Showing posts from July, 2016

All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism : Ch-3.12.

CHAPTER- 3 :  HINDU DHARMA-12. 12. Varnasrama Dharma The principle of Varnasrama Dharma is one of the basic principles of Hinduism. The Varnasrama system is peculiar to Hindus. It is a characteristic feature of Hinduism. It is also prevalent throughout the world according to Guna-Karma (aptitude and conduct), though there is no such distinct denomination of this kind, elsewhere. The duties of the castes are Varna Dharma. The four castes are Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaisya and Sudra. The duties of the stages in life are Asrama Dharma. The four Asramas or orders of life are Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha and Sannyasa. NEXT : 13.The Principle Swami Sivananda      To be continued...

MESSAGE OF SWAMI CHIDANANDA TO MANKIND-C . ( Children and Youth of Bharatham are misguided by some evil forces, in the name of student wings sponsored by dirty political parties like Congress, Communists, etc., ... eliminate these demons and purify this Holy Nation to maintain Sanatana Dharma here.

Children -Satsangam- Chinmaya Mission-Pudussery-Tamilnadu. Opinion   27/07/2016.        621.                All Members,         Respected family members of this great holy Nation.             *REQUEST ALL  STUDENTS, PARENTS AND TEACHERS MUST READ THIS TOPIC          **IT IS URGENT IMPORTANCE IN THE PRESENT SITUATION  OF THE NATION             Sub :   MESSAGE OF SWAMI CHIDANANDA TO MANKIND-A       Swami Chidananda             (A series of 3 talks given by Param Pujya Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj on the mornings of December 20, 21 and 22 1999, at the Sangeet Kala Kendra, Kolkata) ...

All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism : Ch-3.11.

CHAPTER- 3 :  HINDU DHARMA-11. 11.  Self-control. You must have perfect self-control or self-mastery. Self-control implies both control of the body and control of the mind. Self-control does not mean self-torture. You must lead a well-regulated and disciplined life. You must keep all the senses under your perfect control. The senses are like turbulent and wild horses. This body is like a chariot. Mind is the reins. Intellect is the driver. The Atman is the Lord of the chariot. If the senses are not kept under proper control, they will throw this chariot into a deep abyss. You will come to ruin. He who keeps the reins firm and drives this chariot intelligently by controlling the horses (senses), will reach the destination (Moksha or the Abode of Eternal Bliss) safely. Self-control implies self-sacrifice, annihilation of egoism, patience, endurance, forbearance and humility. Overcome Raga or attachment by Vairagya or dispassion. Dispassion will dawn in your mind if you ...

MESSAGE OF SWAMI CHIDANANDA TO MANKIND-B . ( Children and Youth of Bharatham are misguided by some evil forces, in the name of student wings sponsored by dirty political parties like Congress, Communists, etc., ... eliminate these demons and purify this Holy Nation to maintain Sanatana Dharma here.

Opinion   17/07/2016.        613.                All Members,         Respected family members of this great holy Nation.             *REQUEST ALL  STUDENTS, PARENTS AND TEACHERS MUST READ THIS TOPIC          **IT IS URGENT IMPORTANCE IN THE PRESENT SITUATION  OF THE NATION             Sub :   MESSAGE OF SWAMI CHIDANANDA TO MANKIND-A       Swami Chidananda             (A series of 3 talks given by Param Pujya Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj on the mornings of December 20, 21 and 22 1999, at the Sangeet Kala Kendra, Kolkata)           ...

All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism : Ch-3.10.

CHAPTER- 3 :  HINDU DHARMA-10. 10. Purity- Purity comprises both external purity and internal purity. Purity implies both purity of body and purity of mind. Purity of body is only the preliminary to purity of mind. This body is the temple of God. It should be kept clean by daily bathing and clean dress. Cleanliness is a part of godliness. The restriction in diet is best calculated to make the mind pure. Food exercises a direct influence on the mind. Sattvic food makes the mind pure. Purity of food leads to purity of mind. Mind is only made up of the fine essence of food. As the food is, so is the mind. You must be pure in thought, word and deed. Your heart must be as pure as crystal or the Himalayan snow. Then only the divine light will descend. Purity comprises such virtues as frankness, innocence, straightforwardness and absence of all evil thoughts. He who is endowed with purity will find it easy to tread the spiritual path. Next : 11.  Self-control. Swam...