All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism : Ch-4.8-2.

18/05/2017. CHAPTER - 4. HINDU ETHICS - 8 - 2. 8. Ethical Culture Or The Process Of Purification - 2. 1. Improper action—thoughtless action without discrimination—gives rise to all misery. To get freedom from misery, the noble path of virtue—Sadachara—is to be followed. Rigidly observe truth and purity in your thoughts, speech, actions, inner motive and general conduct. Be loving, tolerant and charitable in your opinion of men and things and in your dealings with others. 2. In every sphere, the individual should strive to adhere to these qualities and to manifest them. Thus, this ideal is to be practiced between parents and children, elders and youngsters, teacher and pupil, friend and friend, Guru and disciple, leader and follower, subject and ruler, and nation and nation. 3. You must proceed along the path of virtue. Be determined never to swerve even an inch from Dharma. The mind has to be carefully trained and the will should be developed and strengthened. The...