All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism : Ch-4.12-2

28/11/2017 CHAPTER - 4. HINDU ETHICS - 12-2 12. Of Right And Wrong-2 1. Various other definitions are given by wise men to help the students in the path of righteousness. The whole gist of Sadachara or right conduct is here. If one practises this very carefully, he will not commit any wrong act. Do not do to another what is not good for yourself. Do not do any act which does not bring good to another or which injures another and makes you feel ashamed for it. Do that act which brings good to others and which is praiseworthy. Do as you would be done by. Do unto others as you wish others should do unto you. This is the secret of Dharma. This is the secret essence of Karma Yoga. This is a brief description of what right conduct is. This will lead you to the attainment of eternal bliss. 2. “Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah—non-injuring in thought, word and deed is the highest of all virtues.” If one is well established in Ahimsa in thought, word and deed, he can never do any ...