All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism : Ch.7 : 6 - 6. Swami Sivananda

Monday, June 24, 2020.9:16.AM. CHAPTER-7. HINDU [ SANATANA DHARMAM ] WORSHIP-6. 6.The Philosophy And Significance Of Idol-Worship - 6. 6.When Idols Became Alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. For a Bhakta or a sage, there is no such thing as Jada or insentient matter. Everything is Vasudeva or Chaitanya—Vasudevah Sarvam Iti. The devotee beholds actually the Lord in the idol. Narsi Mehta was put to the test by a king. The king said: “O Narsi, if you are a sincere devotee of Lord Krishna, if as you say the idol is Lord Krishna Himself, let this idol move.” According to the prayer of Narsi Mehta, the idol moved. The sacred bull Nandi before Siva’s idol took the food offered by Tulsidas. The Murti played with Mira Bai. It was full of life and Chaitanya for her. 2. When Appayya Dikshitar went to the Tirupati temple in South India, the Vaishnavas refused him admission. The next morning they found the Vishnu Murti in ...