
Showing posts from August, 2020

All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism : Ch.7 : 6 - 7, 7....continued .. - Swami Sivananda

-------------------------------------------------- Friday, August 28, 2020. 6 : 45. AM. CHAPTER-7. HINDU WORSHIP-6. 6.The Philosophy And Significance Of Idol-Worship-7 7. Vedanta And Idol-Worship - Continued ... --------------------------------------------------------- 1. Madhusudana Swami, who had Advaitic realisation, who beheld oneness of the Self and who had Advaitic Bhava, was intensely attached to the form of Lord Krishna with flute in His hands. Tulasidas realised the all-pervading essence. He had cosmic consciousness. He communed with the all-pervading, formless Lord. And yet, his passion for Lord Rama with bow in His hand did not vanish. When he had been to Vrindavana and saw the Murti of Lord Krishna with flute in His hands, he said: “I will not bow my head to this form.” At once Lord Krishna’s form assumed the form of Lord Rama. Then only he bowed his head. Tukaram also had the same cosmic experience as that of Tulasidas. He sings in his Abhanga: “I see my L...

# MESSAGE ##TO ###STUDENTS : 2. Sri Swami Chidananda. / / *"To Children and Youth of Bharatham who are misguided by some evil forces, in the name of student wings sponsored by dirty political parties like Congress, Communists, and all regional criminal politics etc., ... eliminate these demons and purify this Holy Nation to maintain Sanatana Dharma here." ##Teaching of Subjects :- 1. Sanskrit, Scriptures, 2. Great Rishi-s, Acharyas, and great Guru-s of this Nation; 3. To bring back lost glory of this Nation, before this generation; 4. To create enthusiasm on the self-respect of this country, 5. More important to develop character in children and citizens. Read and follow : What Swami Chidananda is explaining to us : Let us be spiritually awakened human beings first.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPINION : Sunday,  August 09, 2020. 4:51. AM. : 2220 MESSAGE TO STUDENTS : 2. 2.THE RELATIONSHIP OF CHARACTER TO HUMAN LIFE : =================================================== MESSAGE TO STUDENTS Sri Swami Chidananda -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Lecture delivered by Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj at the 1st Zonal Orissa Divine Life Conference at Khurda Road on 1st December 1974) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Parents, Children, and Teachers, MESSAGE TO STUDENTS-2. 2.THE RELATIONSHIP OF CHARACTER TO HUMAN LIFE : What is the relationship of character to human life? The relationship of character to human life is the same as that of the foundation to the entire structure of the building which will be raised over that foundation. The most important part in the structure of the ...