All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism : Ch.7 : 6 - 7, 7....continued .. - Swami Sivananda

-------------------------------------------------- Friday, August 28, 2020. 6 : 45. AM. CHAPTER-7. HINDU WORSHIP-6. 6.The Philosophy And Significance Of Idol-Worship-7 7. Vedanta And Idol-Worship - Continued ... --------------------------------------------------------- 1. Madhusudana Swami, who had Advaitic realisation, who beheld oneness of the Self and who had Advaitic Bhava, was intensely attached to the form of Lord Krishna with flute in His hands. Tulasidas realised the all-pervading essence. He had cosmic consciousness. He communed with the all-pervading, formless Lord. And yet, his passion for Lord Rama with bow in His hand did not vanish. When he had been to Vrindavana and saw the Murti of Lord Krishna with flute in His hands, he said: “I will not bow my head to this form.” At once Lord Krishna’s form assumed the form of Lord Rama. Then only he bowed his head. Tukaram also had the same cosmic experience as that of Tulasidas. He sings in his Abhanga: “I see my L...