All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism : Ch.7 : 6 - 8 - Swami Sivananda.

-------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, October 13, 2020. 07:14. AM. CHAPTER-7. HINDU WORSHIP-6. 6.The Philosophy And Significance Of Idol-Worship-8 8. From Ritualistic Bhakti To Para-Bhakti. --------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bhakti is of two kinds, viz., higher Bhakti or Para-Bhakti, and lower Bhakti or ritualistic Bhakti. Ritualistic worship is Vaidhi or Gauni Bhakti. It is formal Bhakti. Vaidhi Bhakti is the lower type of devotion depending on external aids. The mind becomes purer and purer. The aspirant gradually develops love for God through ritualistic worship. He who does ritualistic worship rings bells, adores a Pratika (symbol) or Pratima (image), does Puja with flowers and sandal paste, burns incense, waves light before the image, offers Naivedya or food for God, etc. 2. Mukhya Bhakti or Para Bhakti is advanced type of devotion. It is higher Bhakti. It transcends all convention. A devotee of this type knows no rule. He does...