GURU-BHAKTI YOGA : 1.1 - Sri Swami Sivananda

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.#OPINION : Wednesday, June 23 , 2021. 7:01. AM. 2426. GURU-BHAKTI YOGA : 1.1 - Sri Swami Sivananda --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. INTRODUCTION -1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Knowledge is subject-object relation. It is a process, and not being. All processes are movements brought about by an interaction of external stimuli and internal condition. The rise of knowledge in an individual is a mysterious process effected through such an interaction. No doubt, knowledge in its essential nature is universal and does not admit of any process. But by the rise of knowledge what is meant is not the existence of this transcendent awareness, but the process of the manifestation of it in the relative individual the highest knowledge is called Swaroopa-Jnana, knowledg...