All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism :CHAPTER 12 HINDU PHILOSOPHY—II (THE SCHOOLS OF VEDANTA)e- Swami Sivananda.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday, September 18, 2021. 6:00. AM. CHAPTER 12 HINDU PHILOSOPHY—II (THE SC-HOOLS OF VEDANTA) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction : The Sutras or aphorisms of Vyasa are the basis of the Vedanta philosophy. These Sutras have been variously explained by different commentators. From these interpretations have arisen several schools of philosophy, viz., Kevala Advaita philosophy of Sri Sankaracharya the philosophy of Qualified Monism or Visishtadvaita of Sri Ramanujacharya, the Dvaita philosophy of Sri Madhvacharya, the Bhedabheda philosophy of Sri Nimbarkacharya, the Suddha Advaita philosophy of Sri Vallabhacharya, the Achintya Bhedabheda philosophy of Sri Chaitanya and the Siddhanta philosophy of Sri Meykandar. Each system of philosophy treats of three main problems, viz., God, world...