All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism : 14. Continued- Swami Sivananda.

========================================================================= ========================================================================= Wednesday, December 28, 2022. 06:00. Chapter-12. Hindu Philosophy-II (The Schools of Vedanta) ========================================================================= "The Visishtadvaita Philosophy Of Sri Ramanujacharya" : ========================================================================= THE VISISHTADVAITA PHILOSOPHY OF SRI RAMANUJACHARYA INTRODUCTION : The Visishtadvaita is so called because it inculcates the Advaita or oneness of God, with Visesha or attributes. It is, therefore, qualified monism. God alone exists. All else that is seen are His manifestations or attributes. God or Lord Narayana of Sri Ramanuja is a complex organic whole—Visishta—though it is one. Hence the name Visishtadvaita. According to Sri Sankara, all qualities or manifestations are unreal and temporary. They are a result of Avidya or ignorance. ...