1.#Opinion : Friday, 04 Aug 2023 05:30. 3212./// 1.#Total Thinking : 2.3. Swami Krishnananda.///

======================================================================= All Members. Respected family members of this great holy Nation. ===================================================================== REQUEST ALL STUDENTS, PARENTS AND TEACHERS MUST READ THIS TOPIC.IT IS URGENT IMPORTANCE IN THE PRESENT SITUATION OF THE NATION =========================================================================== 1.#Opinion : Friday, 04 Aug, 2023. 05:30. 3170. /// Philosophy : Total Thinking : 2.3. Swami Krishnananda. Chapter 2: Rising to a Philosophical Realm -3 Swamiji talks about the human predicament in the world and how to rise above it to Universality ================================================================================== Chapter 2: Rising to a Philosophical Realm -3 An individual, a person, or anyone who is one of the elements scattered into particularities, isolated from every other particular, cannot know that there are differences of this kin...