All About Bharatiya Sanatana Dharmam otherwise known as Hinduism: 22. - Swami Sivananda.

========================================================================= Tuesday, 31 Oct 2023 05:30 Chapter-13. Hindu Philosophy-III (1. SAIVA SIDDHANTA AND 2.SAKTAISM) 3.Saktaism–A Universal Cult Post-22. ======================================================================== Saktaism–A Universal Cult He who worships Sakti, that is, God in Mother-form, as the Supreme Power which creates, sustains and withdraws the universe, is a Sakta. Worship of Sakti, or Saktaism, is one of the oldest and most widespread religions in the world. Everybody in this world wants power and loves to possess power. He is elated by power. He wants to domineer over others through power. War is the outcome of greed for power. Scientists are followers of Saktaism. He who wishes to develop will-power and a charming personality is a follower of Saktaism. In reality, every man in this world is a follower of Saktaism. Scientists say now that everything is energy only, and that energy is the physical ultimate...