1.#Opinion : Sunday, 03 Nov 2023. 05:30. 3349. // 1.#Total Thinking: 2.6. Swami Krishnananda.///

Chinmaya Mission : The students and members of the Electoral Literacy Club at Chinmaya Vidyalaya Bokaro, ranging from Grades IX to XII, actively participated in a Special Assembly dedicated to the Election Awareness Campaign. The campaign centered around India's Electoral System and its Challenges. The primary goal of this initiative was to educate the students about the election process and inspire future voters to engage in selecting visionary leaders. The program commenced with the National Voters' Day (NVD) pledge, administered to all students by the School Captain. Subsequently, students from Grades IX to XI presented a Street Play titled "Fark Padta Hai" (Street Theatre/Nukkad Natak). The play highlighted the voters' reluctance to cast their votes and emphasized ways to encourage their active participation, emphasizing the importance of "Each Vote" as valuable. On this occasion, Principal Shri Suraj Sharma expressed wholehearted appreciation for t...