1.#Opinion : Saturday, 24, Feb2024. 05:30. 3445. // 1.#Total Thinking: 3.1. Swami Krishnananda.///

=========================================================================== 1.#Opinion : Saturday, 24 Feb 2024. 05:30. 3445. // 1.#Total Thinking: 2.7. Swami Krishnananda./// ============================================================================= Philosophy: Chapter 2: Rising to a Philosophical Realm -8. Chapter 3: The Pursuit of a Hidden Mystery-1 Swamiji talks about the human predicament in the world and how to rise above it to Universality. ============================================================================ Chapter-2-8. The higher conditions the lower, and regulates the movements of everything that is lower. Every spiritual seeker or religious man is, in a sense, not a man of this world, though he is a man of this world because this world is only an expression of the other world; and as it is difficult to draw this subtle distinguishing line between the other world and this world, we are likely to come a cropper in our understanding of religion and sp...