1.#Opinion: Saturday 01, June 2024. 05:30. 3554. 1.#Total Thinking: 3.4. Swami Krishnananda.

Chinmaya Mission: Akhanda Ramayan Parayan was organized in Chinmaya Vrindavan, Cranbury, New Jersey on April 1st and 2nd under the guidance of Swami Shantananda ji! The parayan was led with melodious chanting by Acharya Sundeep Tyagi ji from Canada! More than 300 people participated! Balavihar children participated and enacted the Sita Swayamvara and Vivaah scene and joined in the Hanuman Chalisa chanting at the end! It was a blissful experience for all devotees! =================================================================================== 1.#Opinion: Saturday, 01, June 2024. 05:30.3554. 1.#Total Thinking: 3.4. Swami Krishnananda. =================================================================================== Philosophy: Chapter 3: The Pursuit of a Hidden Mystery-4. Swamiji talks about the human predicament in the world and how to rise above it to Universality. =================================================================================...