1.#Opinion: Monday, 02, December 2024, 05:30.3755. / 1. #Total Thinking: 4.1. Swami Krishnananda. //
======================================================================================= 1.#Opinion: Monday, 02, December 2024, 05:30.3755. / Philosophy: Total Thinking: 3.6. Chapter 4: The Problem of Evil in Religious Life-1. Swami Krishnananda. Swamiji talks about the human predicament in the world and how to rise above it to Universality. =================================================================================== A crucial issue arising in religious life is the problem of evil. There is always an Ahriman before an Ahura Mazda, a Satan before a God, and a totally irreconcilable material evil before the religious seeker or the spiritual aspirant. We are troubled very much with this existence of evil, and we do not know what to do with it. We have been told, and we are prone to be convinced, that what we call evil is against religion, against what is good, and so we go with the conviction that religion is against evil, and evil is against religion. We have already tab...