1.#Opinion: Thursday 06, March 2025, 07:30.3855. / 1. #Total Thinking: 4.4 - Swami Krishnananda. //

================================================================================================= 1.#Opinion: Thursday 06, March 2025, 07:30.3855. / Books Philosophy: Total Thinking: 4.4. Chapter 4: The Problem of Evil in Religious Life-4. Swami Krishnananda . Swamiji talks about the human predicament in the world and how to rise above it to university ===================================================================================================== The evil that we speak of is a seed of irreconcilability that is present in our own minds. In the famous section on creation in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, we are told that there was no 'other' to the supreme God. Brahma vā idam agra āsīt (B.U. 1.4.10). In the beginning, the One alone was, and that was the state of utter blissfulness. Then the One appeared as another to its own self. This is the story of every religion. The cosmological hymns of religions are of a common nature everywhere. If we read any scripture of any rel...