The continuity of the past modified in the present is the future. Tomorrow is decided not only by the mere yesterday but, yesterday as reacted by the incidents of today. The continuity of time, nobody can stop; we live conditioned by time.

If it is the past that is meeting the present, we, who are the enjoyers and sufferers in the present are nothing but the products of the past. Past lingering in us as memories is that which is getting shaped in the present, vicissitudes of life. And it is this product of the past, moulded in the present that will face the future and shape it for us.

The present is the meeting point of the two streams the past and future. Each immediate moment is at once the tomb of the last moment and womb of the moment that is yet to be. The tomb of the past is also the womb of the future- and this tomb-womb is the present. With reference to the past, the present is a fulfillment; but not culmination. With reference to the future, the present is not a helpless ending, but it is a  deliberate beginning.  [to be contd]

By Swami Chinmayananda.


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