SRUSHTI TATTVAM [Principle of Creation]:-

1.No new creation is done by anybody.

2.Name, Form, Content, Position : Changes in these  is the creation.

3.Creation of a thing has three parts, they are called "karanam"[cause ].

They are-a). Upadanam:-(Samavayi )-Raw material,



4.But from Poorna Brahmam a Apoorna Jagat creation activity has no karya karanam.

5.Example-Bubbles in the water truly water itself, bubble form in the water, survive some time, then dissolve in the water itself.

6.Likewise the diverse  Prapancham ( sareera,mano,buddhi,etc) also just a play of names,forms,etc.

7.But there are no changes happening in Brahmam.

8.Then how diverse Prapancham  form from Brahmam?

9.Answer:- It is just a illusion only.

10.Truth:-There is no Srushti (Creation ) at all.


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