The study of Upanishads is called Brahma vidya. It is no easy task to explain the inexplicable. It is only the gross objects that can be expressed and explained in words. In the Upanishads the Masters attempt to show us the Reality  only through the significance of of words. We should not go to the Upanishads with the idea that we shall grasp Brahma vidya with our mind and intellect. Mind and intellect are only two 'shoes'that we may wear, but at the doors of the Mightiest of the Mighty, we will have to keep them away, we shall walk in and reach the portals of God with bare feet. At His doors we leave them and enter in all reverence. Thus, we will have to progress in stages in our study, and hence, if we come here with the boastful attitude of collegian, we may miss the exact import of  Vedanta.We will have to come prepared with the mind and an intellect to work for a higher purpose.[to be cont---d]    


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