1.) IGNORANCE, 2.) DESIRE, & 3.) ACTION. :- 

If only man is fully aware of his all-perfect omnipotent, omniscient nature! But, he is ignorant of his real spiritual identity and, because of his ignorance, he feels himself imperfect, and the revolt against this sense of imperfection manifests itself as desires in the mental zone. Desires throw open the volcano-peaks of the mind, and they erupt to throw out the scorching lava of thought-currents. Without a desire behind it, no thought can rise. None of you, is thinking now either of a wheel-barrow or the National Flag. But, some of you may be thinking of a fan because in the sweltering heat, you may have the desire to have a fan for yourself ! Without desire, no thoughts can rise up; a thought-current means a desire behind it. And when a desire gets fully established in the mind, in the onward flow of thoughts generated by it, the very desire in self-expression manifests as our actions in the outer world. 


Thus, ignorance at the spiritual level itself is the desire rising in the mental zone, and the desires are amplified in the grosser sense-world of objects, as our actions express themselves in the quality and nature of their desires, which in their turn, advertise the degree and depth of ignorance.  


The attempt of religion is to eliminate ignorance through spiritual practices until             the devotees come to gain light of wisdom. The ignorance in man, manifesting as desires in his mental plane, comes out into the world as actions. Therefore, the kind and gracious  Rishies advised all seekers, first of all, to purify, control, and regulate the texture of their actions. "Be good; be tolerant; be merciful; be selfless, "are some of the advices common in all great religions of the world.

It must be the experience of all of you that a discipline of action, though in itself pretty difficult, is to the majority of you very easy compared to the endless strain in bringing about similar discipline in your world of thoughts. For example, the vow of Brahmacharya  though difficult, is not impossible for man of will and determination. But  to accomplish and perfect Brahmacharya of the mind is, you will all certainly admit, almost impossibility. We may, due to the values of decency included in us through education, good breeding, culture, and social pressure, desist from vulgar animal isms like rape or arson or looting; but how few of us are innocent of these criminality's in our minds! ( look through recent happenings in Bharatham, yes large numbers are still animals in Bharatham)[ to be cont--d]


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