Based on the above concept of the two classes of men, we have in our philosophy two views of life and approaches to Truth: the Dualism of Sri M adhavacaraya and the Qualified Monism of Sri Ramanuja. The former concludes that the Lord and the Devotee would ever remain two distinct entities and the relationship of the Devotee to the Lord is one complete surrender in love and reverence. The Supreme Goal of Man is in reaching His feet and Eternally remaining there ever in His Seva[Service]. The later, however, argues in a different line and arrives at the conclusion that the Devotee is a part of the Whole, the Lord.


It is only in the daring declarations of a perfect philosophy, the philosophy that discusses the vital and final experience of man in the realms of the spiritual,the Vedanta, that we find an unequivocal emphatic declaration that "Man is God". To a student of Dualism and Qualified Monism this may appear fantastic, for the former views Truth with reference to his body, while the later views Truth from the psychological personality.[to be cot--d]    



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