Next, the seeker comes to enquire how his mind works, how his intellect functions, and from where the joy-element bubbles forth in him. Thus, seeking on, from the gross outer world to subtler and still subtler inner Spirit, he moves  in the world. In Vedanta each of these grosser external coatings is called a 'Sheath' (kosa), and just as the sheath merely encases the sword-blade, here too the Reality within is untouched by the matter covering it Our body forms the grossest encumbrance, the 1. physical Sheath (Annamaya kosa),  and slightly subtler is the  2. Vital Air Sheath (Pranamaya kosa). 3. Subtler still is the Mental Sheath ( Manonmaya kosa). 4. Still more subtle than the mind is the Intellectual Sheath, 5. and subtler still is the Bliss Sheath, the seat of all joy-waves in us.( to be cont--d)


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