
Vedas are the eternal books of knowledge of the Bharatham and they are compiled and edited in the book form in four distinct volumes: the Rg-Veda, the Yajur-Veda, the Sama-Veda and the Atharvana-Veda. Each of these vedas has initself three distinct divisions as the Mantras, the Brahmanas, and the Upanisads. Of these divisions, made according to the themes discussed therein, towards the end of each of the four textbooks are appended the Upanisads.

The contents of Vedas-

They contain the fiery declarations of realised Truth, made by Great Masters (Rishies), who had tried to capture the Infinite in a web of finite words. These constitute the highest philosophical explanations that the superman have ever made in the world of creatures. These vital and vibrant Truth-declarations, compiled and added to the tail-end of each Veda textbook, are named also Vedanta, meaning "the end of Veda." Both metaphorically and literally it is true, for these represent metaphorically the "fulfillment of knowledge" as well as literally constitute the "concluding portions"of the immortal textbooks called the





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