Pancha boodham                      Qualities                     Sense-organs      

( elements)                                                     Own.   

1. Akasam(sky)                                                            Sound                            ears.             

2.Vayu(air)                                                        sound+touch                            skin.

3. Agni(fire)                                            sound+touch+form                             eyes.

4.Jala(water)                                sound+touch+form+taste                          tongue.

5.Prthvi/bumi(earth)          sound+touch+form+taste+smell                          nose.


1. Pancha boodhas/elements are the presiding deities of sense-organs.  

2.Panch boodhas illuminate the qualities to sense-organs.

3.Ears the organs to receive the akasa-quality (sound), cannot and will not register from which is the sense-object to be perceived by the eyes, presided by the Fire.



With the above-mentioned Sastram in our mind, if we read the 3rd chapter consists of 12 mantrams narrating a simple story, we will discover its purpose in Kenopanisad.


Friends, without this satra knowledge, if we read this chapter we understand nothing. It may look like silly. If you want I will post the story for you next. 



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