
1.It has a unique method of approach to Truth.

2. It provides symbol for meditation in mono-syllable A-U-M.

3. Comprising of three sounds A, U, M, detailing philosophical implications.

4. Meditation- The procedure:-

a). Start with pranayamam , breathing in and breathing out, with concentration on pranayamam.

b). Secondly, from pranayamam, slowly shift to chanting Pranava mantram A-U-M, after taking a deep breath in. The chanting better audible to you only.

c). After some time reduce the volume of chants, and in mind only.

d). Now slowly stop chanting, and feel you are calm and the mind is relaxed and silent, if not yet,-

e). Start imagine the form (Rup/rupam) of your favourite God.

f). Stay there concentrating on the form few seconds.

g).Thereafter gradually remove the Idol from the mind, by this time you may stay sincerely there, in no mind state.

h). Now through the Bow ( Pranavam), the Arrow ( your Atma) Aimed at Brahmam ( Truth, God), and arrow is released, to be penetrated ( united/ absorbed / dissolved) with Paramatma.

i). The chanting of A-U-M is so powerful, that the string of bow is pulled back, the Atma (arrow) is released fast towards the target Brahmam to make union with God.


"Dear friends, practice Pranavamantram daily during your meditation, and record your experience, if you are proceeding sincerely you will succeed in Realisation of The God-hood."


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