1. When we say that we are going to the next room it is a clear indication that we are leaving the spot where we are now and travelling towards a point where now we are not, and where we shall be in time.

2. This movement is possible only when the thing is a limited entity.

3. When it is an all-pervading Truth, it actually cannot go anywhere, since there is  no spot where it is not already.

4. For example, your right hand cannot move into your right hand, since your right hand is all-pervading in your right hand, no two substances can occupy one and the same place during  the same period of time, is a scientific fact known, applauded and appreciated by the modern world.

5. Thus , Atma or the Life-centre is a motionless entity, but seems to be moving when it is conditioned by the mind and functioning as its manifestations, as thought waves! 


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