1." What do we really want?"


The Bharatheeya atmeeyam classifies all human pursuits into four broad categories: 1. kama (pleasure), 2. arth(wealth/security), 3. dharma ( righteousness), and 4. moksha ( freedom ).

2. "Purushartha":-

This classification provides an ideal infrastructure for the accomplishment of human ends, called purushartha in sanskrit.

The first  three pursuits are seen as the 'material goals,' while the last pursuit ---moksha---is considered as the 'spiritual goal' culminating in Self-knowledge. According to this philosophy, all goals of life must lead to the ultimate goal of freedom because without accomplishing spiritual freedom, human life is not deemed as fulfilled.

3. "More wants and more regrets":-

In fact that freedom alone gives the sense of fulfillment at the time of death. Without attaining this spiritual freedom ( moksha ) the total sense of fulfillment  cannot  come; there will always be more wants and regrets at the end of one's life.

4."Ultimate objective":-

 Therefore, the material accomplishments are treated as a ancillary goals while spiritual freedom is considered to be 'primary goal' ultimate objective in human life.



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