1. When a perfect human being who has ended all his misunderstandings about himself and has come to the knowledge that he is the Supreme Awareness in himself, he, his Absolute Sense of Perfection,

2. shall desire no more for anything that the world of the sense-objects can give.

3. Such a perfected one is a God-man upon earth.

4. This is the goal pointed out by the greatest of all religions known to human beings, Hinduism.

5. The religion of Vedanta calls upon man to rediscover himself to be nothing short of God Himself.

6. And when a mortal has fully realized and come to live continuously the god-consciousness, him, certainly, no sorrows can approach.

7. If there be but a generation of such supermen, will it not satisfactorily solve all our problems: political, economic, cultural and religious! 

8. In fact even when a man has just begun to live the life of the spirit, all the above-mentioned problems of life  will recede as though at the waving of a magic wand!

9. Is there anything , then, more practical than the religion of Vedanta?

10. Any answer please!!!....  


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