1. The street lamp in its nature throws a pool of light on the road.

2. Whatever portion of the passing by  come into that light, gets illuminated so long as it remains within the area lit up.

3. The lamp is a mere witness; the light neither dances in joy when a honey-mooning couple passes that way, 

4. nor does the light reel in drunkenness when a traveller passes by, nor does it weep when it comes to illuminate a tearful funeral procession.

5. Irrespective of the merits or demerits of the scene, the light, in its own nature, brightens up that which comes within its illuminated arena.

6. Similarly, there is an all-pervading eternal light-of-Wisdom, the Divine Spark within us 

7. which is the source of all life and light and by which we become aware of the vice and virtue idea in our mind and intellect.

8. Certainly this great Witness, the Atma, is that which is other than virtue and vice, being itself only a witness.     


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