1. It has been indicated that the external sense-organs ( Indriyas ) and the Intellect are not capable of functioning by  themselves, but are motivated by a power within our body.

2. Road of perfection is long and arduous and the 'Jnana Margam' ( path of knowledge ) of the Upanisads is not for many people, but only for the chosen few.

3. There is a greater purpose in life than mere eating, drinking, breeding, and making merry.

4. All human beings are blessed with the 'Divine Light' ( Chaithanyam ), even though they may not be aware of it.

5. Truth need not enter into the Soul, for, it is there already.

6. Vedas, Upanisads, all scriptures are our news papers, Satsangams is our club talks, meeting Mahatmas, Jnanis, is our interactions with the society.  

( Kenopanisad).


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