"A Discussion between Father and Son"

2. Evam eva khalu, saumya, imah sarvah prajah sata agamya na viduh, sata
agacchamaha iti, ta iha vyaghro va simho va, vrko va, varaho va, kito va,
patango va, damso va, masako va, yad-yad-bhavanti tad-abhavanti.

3. Sa ya esho'anima etad-atmyam-idam sarvam tat satyam sa atma tattvam-
asi, svetaketo-iti, bhuya eva me bhagavan vijnapayatviti tatha somya
iti hovacha.

When they have gone there and come back, they do not know that they
have gone there and have come back from there. They have touched, entered,
practically become one with the Being in deep sleep, but they do not know that.
Their eyes have been blindfolded, as it were. When they come back, each one
says, “I am so-and-so”. That is all. They have no other consciousness—Sata
agamya na viduh sata agacchamaha iti. Whatever they were, animals or human
beings, that they become again. The particular species and the particular body
with which they entered into sleep or die, they wake up or are reborn into that
very species and body, because of the presence of the subtle body which has
not been destroyed through Perfect Knowledge. Therefore, after waking up
from deep sleep or after being reborn in another body they are not conscious of
having come from the Being.

“Now this is the Reality, this is the Being of all things, and you too are
that—Tat-tvam-asi, Svetaketu.” “Bhuya eva ma bhagavan vijnapayatviti—
explain further,” says the boy. “It does not appear that you have concluded the
instructions. There is something more. This is the life of all Beings. That you
call the Existence or the Being of things is also the Vitality in all. It is what is
called life. We say, there is life in this and there is no life in that. A tree has
life, but a stone has no life. What is meant by Life? Is it that Being has not
manifested Itself adequately in one thing, and It has manifested Itself in a
greater proportion in something else? It seems that there is a greater
manifestation of Reality in plants and the vegetable kingdom than in stones and
the mineral kingdom, for instance. Kindly explain this so that my doubts may
be cleared.”

Chandogya Upanishad : Chapter-2, Section-10, Mantram 2 & 3.


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