A Summary of the Srimad Bhagavatham : Ch-6. Part-7.

6: Sri Krishna’s Vrindavana and Dvarka Lilas :


The first part of the Tenth Skandham of the Srimad Bhagavatham occupies itself with these pranks of the child Krishna, and while every action of his was superhuman, he made it still worse by engaging himself in a dramatic performance called the Rasa Lila, which cannot be seen in the life of any other person in the world.

Here again we have a mystery that transcends human reason because there are no men and women before God.

The prejudices of the duality of the sexes, and the additional prejudice of attachment to human predilections and rules and regulations, have to be broken down in the Divinity that manifests finally.

Human laws and regulations cannot take us to God.

These rules of man can take us only to a human realm, because the constitution of God’s government is not a human constitution.

It is an inclusiveness to which human nature is not accustomed.

All our laws and regulations are partial in their nature and are valid for certain given conditions, but they are not valid for all times.
This is the defect in man-made laws: they are good for some times, but they are not good for other times.

But the law of God is good for all times.

Once the enactment is made, it does not require any amendment.

In human parliaments, circumstances change, and therefore, we change the laws; but God has no such circumstances where He has to change the laws.

In the Isavasya Upanishad it is said: yatha - tathyatah  arthan  - vyadadhac - chasva  -  tibhyah   samabhyah  ( Mantram-8.)

An ordinance was enacted in the parliament of God and it is valid for all time to come, till the end of creation, because it was so perfectly visualised, taking into consideration every eventuality or possibility in the history of creation.

Swami Krishnananda

To be continued  ...


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