2. Deepavali : 3.

In a happy mood of great rejoicing village folk move about freely, mixing with one another without any reserve, all enmity being forgotten.

People embrace one another with love.

Deepavali is a great unifying force.

Those with keen inner spiritual ears will clearly hear the voice of the sages, “O Children of God! unite, and love all”.

The vibrations produced by the greetings of love which fill the atmosphere are powerful enough to bring about a change of heart in every man and woman in the world.

Alas! That heart has considerably hardened, and only a continuous celebration of Deepavali in our homes can rekindle in us the urgent need of turning away from the ruinous path of hatred.

On this day Hindu merchants in North India open their new account books and pray for success and prosperity during the coming year.

The homes are cleaned and decorated by day and illuminated by night with earthern oil-lamps.

The best and finest illuminations are to be seen in Bombay and Amritsar.

The famous Golden Temple at Amritsar is lit in the evening with thousands of lamps placed all over the steps of the big tank. Vaishnavites celebrate the Govardhan Puja and feed the poor on a large scale.

Swami Sivananda

To be continued  ....


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