2. Deepavali : 4.

O Ram! The light of lights, the self-luminous inner light of the Self is ever shining steadily in the chamber of your heart.

Sit quietly.

Close your eyes.

Withdraw the senses.

Fix the mind on this supreme light and enjoy the real Deepavali, by attaining illumination of the soul.

He who Himself sees all but whom no one beholds, who illumines the intellect, the sun, the moon and the stars and the whole universe but whom they cannot illumine, He indeed is Brahman, He is the inner Self.

Celebrate the real Deepavali by living in Brahman, and enjoy the eternal bliss of the soul.

The sun does not shine there, nor do the moon and the stars, nor do lightnings shine and much less fire.

All the lights of the world cannot be compared even to a ray of the inner light of the Self.

Merge yourself in this light of lights and enjoy the supreme Deepavali.

Swami Sivananda

To be continued  ....


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