3. Durga Puja or Navaratri-10.

Sri Rama worshipped Durga at the time of the fight with Ravana, to invoke Her aid in the war.

This was on the days preceding the Vijaya Dasami day.

He fought and won through Her Grace.

In days of yore, kings used to undertake ambitious expeditions on the day of the Vijaya Dasami.

Those kings who did not go on such expeditions used to go out hunting in the deep forests.

In Rajputana, India, even up to this date, people arrange mock attacks on some fort on Vijaya Dasami.

This day, however, has much to do with the life of Sri Rama.

Nowhere in the history of the world can we find a parallel to the character of Sri Rama as a man, son, brother, husband, father or king.

Maharishi Valmiki has exhausted the entire language in describing the glory of Sri Rama.

And, we shall be rightly celebrating the Dussera if we make honest efforts to destroy the demon of our ego, and radiate peace and love wherever we go.

Let us all resolve to become men of sterling character.

Let us resolve and act.

The story of Sri Rama is known in almost all parts of the globe, and if we but succeed in following even a hundredth part of His teachings, we shall make our lives more fragrant than the rose and more lustrous than gold!

Swami Sivananda
To be continued  ....


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