5. Guru Purnima : 3.

Have a new angle of vision.

Behold the entire universe as the form of the Guru.

See the guiding hand, the awakening voice, the illuminating touch of the Guru in every object in this creation.

The whole world will now stand transformed before your changed vision.

The world as Guru will reveal all the precious secrets of life to you, and bestow wisdom upon you.

The supreme Guru, as manifested in visible nature, will teach you the most valuable lessons of life.

Worship daily this Guru of Gurus, the Guru who taught even the Avadhuta Dattatreya.

Dattatreya, regarded as God and the Guru of Gurus, considered Nature Herself as His Guru, and learnt a number of lessons from Her twenty-four creatures, and hence he is said to have had twenty-four Gurus.

The silent, all-enduring earth with its lofty forbearance, the shady fruit-bearing tree with its willing self-sacrifice, the mighty banyan tree reposing with patience in the tiny seed, the drops of rain whose persistence wears away even the rocks, the planets and the seasons with their orderly punctuality and regularity were all divine Gurus to him.

They who will look and listen, will learn.

Swami Sivananda
 To be continued  ....


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