6. Holi - 3.

This same scene is enacted every year to remind people that those who love God shall be saved, and they that torture the devotee of God shall be reduced to ashes.

When Holika was burnt, people abused her and sang the glories of the Lord and of His great devotee, Prahlad. In imitation of that, people even today use abusive language, but unfortunately forget to sing the praises of the Lord and His devotee!

In North India, people play joyfully with coloured water.

The uncle sprinkles coloured water on his nephew.

The niece applies coloured powder on her aunt’s face.

Brothers and sisters and cousins play with one another.

Huge bundles of wood are gathered and burnt at night, and everywhere one hears shouts of “Holi-ho! Holi-ho!”

People stand in the streets and sprinkle coloured water on any man who passes by, be he a rich man or an officer.

There is no restriction on this day.

It is like the April Fool’s Day of the Europeans.

People compose and sing special Holi songs.

Swami Sivananda
 To be continued  ....


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