6. Holi - 7.

The social element during Holi is the uniting or “embracing” of the great and the small, of the rich and the poor.

It is also the uniting of equals.

The festival teaches us to “let the dead bury the dead”.

We should forget the outgoing year’s ill-feelings and begin the new year with feelings of love, sympathy, co-operation and equality with all.

We should try to feel this oneness or unity with the Self also.

Holi also means “sacrifice”. Burn all the impurities of the mind, such as egoism, vanity and lust, through the fire of devotion and knowledge.

Ignite cosmic love, mercy, generosity, selflessness, truthfulness and purity through the fire of Yogic practice.

This is the real spirit of Holi.

Rise from the mire of stupidity and absurdity and dive deep into the ocean of divinity.

The call of Holi is to always keep ablaze the light of God-love shining in your heart.

Inner illumination is the real Holi.

The spring season is the manifestation of the Lord, according to the Bhagavad Gita.

Holi is said there to be His heart.

Next : 7. Kartigai Deepam

Swami Sivananda
 To be continued  ....


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