11. Telugu New Year’s Day

THIS FALLS on the first day of the month of Chaitra (March-April) according to Chandramana.

This is a day of rejoicing.

This is new year’s day for the people of Andhra Pradesh and also the Telugu people all over the world.

Those who live north of the Vindhya hills observe Barhaspatyamana.

Those living south of the Vindhya hills observe Sauramana or Chandramana.

There is a peculiarity about the practices of the various sects of Brahmins;

one who is not conversant with them finds it difficult to understand their meaning.

Even though they are all Brahmins, certain differences in their lineage may be traced among them.

These become manifest in their distinctive calendars where the dates and months vary.

Some have calculations according to the solar system,

and others according to the lunar system,

with the result that despite all being Brahmins,

the New Year differs among different sects.

Thus there is a Telugu New Year’s Day;

a Tamil New Year’s Day,

and a New Year’s Day distinct from these in the almanac of North India.

Next : 12. Vasanta Navaratri :

Swami Sivananda
 To be continued  ...


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