12. Vasanta Navaratri : 4.

Prince Sudarsana and Sashikala returned to the Ashram of Rishi Bharadwaja.

The great Rishi blessed them and crowned Sudarsana as the king of Kosala.

Sudarsana and Sashikala and the king of Benares implicitly carried out the commands of the Divine Mother and performed worship in a splendid manner during the Vasanta Navaratri.

Sudarsana’s descendants, namely, Sri Rama and Lakshmana, also performed worship of Devi during the Vasanta Navaratri and were blessed with Her assistance in the recovery of Sita.

It is the devout Hindu’s duty to perform the worship of Devi for both material and spiritual welfare during the Vasanta Navaratri and follow the noble example set by Sudarsana and Sri Rama.

He cannot achieve anything without the Divine Mother’s blessings.

So, sing Her praise and repeat Her Mantra and Name.

Meditate on Her form.

Do worship.

Pray and obtain Her eternal Grace and blessings.

May the Divine Mother bless you with all divine wealth!

Next : 13-Vasanta Panchami

Swami Sivananda
 To be continued  ...
Swami Sivananda's Foot ptints


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