Appayya Dikshitar samadhi at Thiruvalangadu

14. Sri Appayya Jayanthi-1.

SRI APPAYYA Dikshita was born in the Krishna Paksha of the Kanya month of Pramateecha Varsha 1544 A.D.) on the auspicious hour and day under the Uttaraproshtapada constellation.

His Jayanthi is celebrated every year on 2nd October.

Sri Appayya, the greatest name in the 16th century annals of South India, is the reputed author of more than 104 books, representative of all branches of knowledge in Sanskrit literature.

He attained greatness mainly by his works on Vedanta.

All the schools of Vedanta have drawn unique and unrivalled authority and support from his pen.

Of his Vedantic work, the Chaturmata Sara Sangrah is justly famous for the impartial justice with which he has expounded the tenets of the four great schools, namely, the Dwaita, Visishtadwaita, Shivadwaita and the Adwaita.

This exposition is given in his Nyaya Muktavali, Nyaya Mukhamalika, Nyaya Manimala, and Nyaya Manjari (all these together form the Chaturmata Sara Sangrah).

Swami Sivananda
 To be continued  ...


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