Appayya Dikshitar samadhi at Thiruvalangadu

14. Sri Appayya Jayanthi-2.

In almost all branches of Sanskrit learning and literature—poetry, rhetoric, philosophy—his name was peerless among his contemporaries, or for that matter, for decades after him and till today.

His Kuvalayananda is generally the first work of rhetoric that is taken up for study.

As is usual, Pundit Jagannatha, his contemporary and rival, levelled some criticism on it in his Rasagangadhara

His poems in praise of Lord Shiva are great favourites among the worshippers of Shiva.

He has also written a learned commentary entitled Parimalam on Vedanta; this is an outstanding monument of his philosophic erudition.

He had a gigantic intellect.

Great was the reverence paid to him in his own lifetime; even today he is greatly revered.

Once he went to the village which was the birthplace of his wife.

A grand reception was accorded to him by the villagers who were proud of calling him one of themselves.

There was great excitement.

All hailed him with the words, “The great Dikshita is coming amongst us!”.

There was no other talk among the villagers for days before the event.

The day came, and the distinguished guest, Appayya Dikshita, was greeted by crowds of people who flocked to have a sight of the grand lion of learning.

Swami Sivananda
 To be continued  ...


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