Appayya Dikshitar samadhi at Thiruvalangadu

14. Sri Appayya Jayanthi-3.

An old lady, curious to a degree, came out, staff in hand, to see the phenomenon; with the freedom that is conceded to one of her age, she made her way easily through the crowd and looked at him steadily for some minutes.

Dim recollections of a face, floated in her mind.

Definitely recalling the face, she exclaimed, “I have seen this face somewhere.

Wait. Oh yes! are you not the husband of Achha?”

The great scholar confirmed her surmise with a smile.

The good old lady was disappointed.

With her face and spirits fallen, she retraced her steps homeward, remarking, “What ado to make—just over Achha’s husband!”

Appayya summarised a world of wisdom when he perpetuated the incident in a half verse: “Asmin grame achha prasiddha—In this village the name and precedence are Achha’s!”

Swami Sivananda
 To be continued  ...


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