Mark carefully how the Gita stresses again and again this lofty message.

The Lord declares : -

“Keep thou thy mind in Me, in Me place thy reason”.

In another verse He says : -

“Therefore, at all times remember Me and fight. You will surely attain Me, having thus offered yourself”.

And yet again :-

“Perform thou action, remaining united with Me at heart”.

The Gita guides you to glory with the watchwords : -

“Be thou divine-minded, devoted to Me as your goal, and let your subconscious mind be divine”.

The Lord gives the following firm assurance also: “I become the saviour from this mortal world for those whose minds are set on Me”.

Such is the most illuminating message of the Gita, seeking to lead man to a life of perfection even while performing his ordained role here.

 Long has this message been neglected by man.

Forgetting the Lord, the world has turned towards sense indulgence and mammon.

A terrible price has been paid.

O man, enough of this forgetfulness!  

The Lord has warned you against heedlessness : -

“If, out of egoism, thou wilt not hear, then thou shalt perish”.

Swami Sivananda
 To be continued  ...


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