Read the whole of the Gita on Sundays and other holidays.

Study carefully again and again the slokam-s in the second discourse, which deal with the state of the Sthitaprajna (a perfected Yogi and sage).

Also study the eight nectarine slokam-s in the twelfth discourse.

The study of the Gita alone is sufficient for the purpose of scriptural study.

You will find in it a solution to all your problems.

The more you study it with devotion and faith, the deeper will your knowledge become, the more penetrative would be your insight, and the clearer your thinking.

Even if you live in the spirit of one verse of the Gita, all your miseries will come to an end and you will attain the goal of life—immortality and eternal peace.

None but the Lord can bring out such a marvellous and unprecedented book, which grants peace to its readers, and which guides them in the attainment of supreme bliss.

Swami Sivananda
 To be continued  ...


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