Thus, between two slokam-s  of the Gita, this slokam is recited twice.

This is an extremely efficacious method of earning the Grace of the Lord and the Gita, the Mother.

3. All spiritual aspirants fast the whole day (it is also the Ekadashi).

4. Various competitions are held, especially for small children to manifest their talents in
the recitation of the Gita.

In the case of the slightly older children, they are given a chance to discourse upon the Gita.

This is a wonderful way to of encourage children to study this sacred scripture.

5. In the evening, a special Satsang is held at which learned scholars, Yogis and Sannyasins discourse upon the the holy scripture.

6. Leaflets, pamphlets and books containing the teachings of the Gita, as also translations of the holy scripture, are distributed.

Take a resolve on Gita Jayanti that you will read at least one discourse of the Gita daily.

Recite the Fifteenth Discourse before taking your meals.

This is done at the Sivanandashram.

Swami Sivananda
 To be continued  ...


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