Sri Krishna is the ocean of bliss.

His soul-stirring Lilas, which are the wonder of wonders, are its waves.

The honeyed music of His flute attracts the minds of His devotees from all three regions.

His unequalled and unsurpassed wealth of beauty amazes the animate and the inanimatebeings.

He adorns His friends with His incomparable love.

His palms bear the signs of a lotus and discus, the right sole of His feet of a flag, lotus,
thunderbolt, an iron goad, barley seed, and the Swastika.

His left sole has the rainbow, triangle, water-pot, crescent, sky, fish, and a cow’s footprint.

His Form is composed of condensed universal consciousness and bliss.

His Body pervades the entire cosmos.

Devotion is the only means of attaining Lord Krishna.

Bhakti Devotion is the only means of attaining Lord Krishna.

Bhakti kindles love for the Lord.

When love is directed towards Krishna, man is freed from the bondage of the world.

Swami Sivananda
 To be continued  .....


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