20. Sankara Jayanthi-5.

Above all, the philosophy of Shankara is not restricted to the highly intellectual.

It is within the easy reach of even the layman.

With his profound knowledge, all-comprehensive learning, keen intuitive insight and convincing explanations, he has erected the strong edifice of Vedanta, equally accessible to the scholar and the layman.

How effectively he prescribed “Bhaja Govindam” to the scholar who was racking his brains in committing various scriptures to memory!

Vedanta is not the only aspect of philosophy he has preached to the world.

He has entered the heart of every earnest seeker after truth.

He encourages the worship of various forms of the Lord and greatly advocates Bhakti.

Without a tinge of partiality to one form or the other, he has composed innumerable hymns, each brimming with devotion and philosophical truth, each inculcating divine ecstasy and perennial joy even in the tender undeveloped mind.

His untiring work for the welfare of mankind marks him out as a veritable, dynamic Karma Yogi, too.

Swami Sivananda
To be continued  .....


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