24. Pradosha Vrata - 1.

ALL THINGS in this vast creation function upon definite laws.

There is always a beautiful system and sound rationale governing every phenomenon and process, mundane or mystical.

Just as the gross elements and physical forces operate differently under different states and conditions, so also the subtler and higher forces respond and react in the inner mystic planes, and in the purely spiritual processes like meditation, prayer, worship, etc.

Therefore, you will find definite injunctions for performing certain types of worship in the morning, certain other injunctions for the midday prayers, and still others for the evening worship.

Again, some observances are meant to be performed during certain phases of the moon, some when a particular star is in the ascendant, or at the time of a particular conjunction of planets.

    The Pradosha worship is to be done in the evening twilight on the 13th day of each lunar fortnight.

It is the worship of Lord Shiva for victory and success in all undertakings, and the fulfilment of all your heart’s cherished desires.

When you desire to obtain a favour from a superior person, don’t you naturally approach him at a moment when he is likely to be in a very pleasant frame of mind?

You will perhaps see him after he has had a good dinner and is happily chatting with a friend in a hearty, expansive mood.

Even so, the Hindu, especially the Hindu who is engaged in the motivated type of worship, usually selects the most pleasant aspect of God for his worship.

He performs it at a time which the ancient Rishis experienced as being the most helpful and efficacious in propitiating the Deity.

The Pradosha worship is based on such mystic psychology.

Swami Sivananda
 To be continued  .....


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